Send One-Way & Two-Way SMS API Call

Where is my API Key? You can find your API key by going to the “Settings” menu on the left hand side and clicking on the “API Details” link below that.

The sendSMS API call is used to send SMS messages.

API Call URL: http://app6.textahq.com/api/sendSMS.php

Parameters for this call

Each API call requires you to pass certain parameters (either […]

September 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Send One-Way & Two-Way SMS API Call

Check Subscriber Status API

Using the Check Subscription Status API Call URL: http://app2.textahq.com/gateway/api/checkSubscriptionStatus.php

Parameters for this call:
Each API call requires you to pass certain parameters in order for Texta to return correct responses. Here’s a list of those parameters relevant to the subscription API call.


api_key *

sms_list *

mob *
6421123456 or 021123456

* = required parameter

Response Generated:
<?xml version=”1.0″?> <ApiResponse> […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Check Subscriber Status API

Two-Way SMS API with Callback

Warning: This 2-way SMS API requires that the originating message be sent using the Send SMS API.
You will need to define your preferred callback URL in the “API Details” section under “Settings” after you login to the Texta App.
This API is used for processing any inbound messages as a result […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Two-Way SMS API with Callback

Subscription API Call

Using the Subscription API Call

Call URL: http://app2.textahq.com/gateway/api/subscription.php

This script can operate in 2 main modes:

URL Redirect mode: In this mode the script will execute and then redirect the browser back to a specified URL, you can specify a URL for successful subscriptions and a URL for failed subscriptions. This mode is best for websites that will […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Subscription API Call

Using Folders to Organise Your Campaigns

In Texta you can organize all your emails and SMS messages into folders. When you sign up, you will inherit some predefined folders but you are also able to create unlimited personalized folders.

To create a new folder simply click on the + icon next to the “Personalized Folders” menu on the left.

You can click on […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Using Folders to Organise Your Campaigns

Cancelling Your Account

While every bone in our body hurts while writing this, we want to give you the freedom and choice to cancel your account at any time.

Please note that sending us an email on support@optimizerhq.com requesting to cancel an account is the ONLY way to process cancellation.

However, we encourage you to raise any concerns or dissatisfaction […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Cancelling Your Account

Changing your Password

Texta recommends that you keep your password secure and that you change your account password regularly to maintain the security of your account.

To change the password go the Settings (above the main navigation buttons)
Click on change password
Enter your old password
Enter your new password twice
Click on Save

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Changing your Password

Managing Links inside SMS Messages

The assets tab is where Texta stores your Links and RSS feeds that you might need through your SMS marketing campaigns.

You can access it by going to the Assets tab in the top navigation bar.

Creating a Link in the Assets tab

Here you can manage and create links that you can easily use in your SMS […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Managing Links inside SMS Messages

Setting Up RSS Feeds for RSS Automation

Using RSS feeds inside Texta is a great way to run RSS to email campaigns and send out blog updates to your subscriber base. Here’s how easy it is to set it up in Texta.

Go to the Assets Tab
Click on the “Create New RSS Feed” button
Give your feed a name (e.g. My Blog Feed)
Cut and […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Setting Up RSS Feeds for RSS Automation

SMS Automation Triggers

Automation triggers and Autoresponder triggers are the same thing.

Autoresponder triggers are event that cause a email (Autoresponse) to send.

Types of Autoresponder Triggers

Texta has a number of Autoresponder Triggers

Subscribe – If someone subscribes to your mailing list, then you can automatically send them a welcome text.
Un-Subscribe – If someone Un-Subscribes from your mailing list then send […]

April 30th, 2015|Comments Off on SMS Automation Triggers