Send One-Way & Two-Way SMS API Call

Where is my API Key? You can find your API key by going to the “Settings” menu on the left hand side and clicking on the “API Details” link below that.

The sendSMS API call is used to send SMS messages.

API Call URL: http://app6.textahq.com/api/sendSMS.php

Parameters for this call

Each API call requires you to pass certain parameters (either […]

September 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Send One-Way & Two-Way SMS API Call

Check Subscriber Status API

Using the Check Subscription Status API Call URL: http://app2.textahq.com/gateway/api/checkSubscriptionStatus.php

Parameters for this call:
Each API call requires you to pass certain parameters in order for Texta to return correct responses. Here’s a list of those parameters relevant to the subscription API call.


api_key *

sms_list *

mob *
6421123456 or 021123456

* = required parameter

Response Generated:
<?xml version=”1.0″?> <ApiResponse> […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Check Subscriber Status API

Two-Way SMS API with Callback

Warning: This 2-way SMS API requires that the originating message be sent using the Send SMS API.
You will need to define your preferred callback URL in the “API Details” section under “Settings” after you login to the Texta App.
This API is used for processing any inbound messages as a result […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Two-Way SMS API with Callback

Subscription API Call

Using the Subscription API Call

Call URL: http://app2.textahq.com/gateway/api/subscription.php

This script can operate in 2 main modes:

URL Redirect mode: In this mode the script will execute and then redirect the browser back to a specified URL, you can specify a URL for successful subscriptions and a URL for failed subscriptions. This mode is best for websites that will […]

May 12th, 2015|Comments Off on Subscription API Call