Offering discounts and other special offers via text message may prompt people to make a purchase right now – instead of waiting until the last day of a sale. Reaching those that shop on impulse can increase sales and build awareness of your brand. Use SMS notifications each and every time you have a sale to get people talking about your business.

A Sense of Urgency

Those that shop on impulse react differently to limited time offers than those who take their time. Provide a 24-hour window in which to use a coupon to entice and get people to act on your offer. Send all sale details including the time frame in your message. Provide a link to specific product pages or your website or landing page so people can place an order.

Other ways to get people to shop now instead of later include:

  • Mentioning you have limited supplies left
  • Offering discontinued items
  • Buy one, get one free (or half price)
  • Free gift with purchase (limited to the first 100 people that order)

With text message marketing, you can instantly reach the people most interested in buying from you. By offering a discount or limited time sale, you can speed up the ordering process.

Coupon Codes

Keep codes simple so people can remember them when visiting your website. Chances are people are not going to bounce back and forth to your text message when placing an order on your website, so choose a coupon code that relates to the sale in some way. For example, if holding a shoe sale, use the word SHOES as the discount code. Use a different word for each sale you hold.

Additional Discounts

Impulse shoppers enjoy receiving additional savings like free shipping or additional discounts. After a customer places an order, send a text message expressing your thanks and offer a discount on the future purchase. If you want the person to use the discount now, let them know. It’s much easier to sell more goods and services to those that recently made a purchase from you than it is to sell to someone who has never made a purchase.

Send mass text messages to everyone on your list and offer an additional savings just for being a valuable customer. This may prompt those who don’t buy things on impulse to take a second look at what you have for sale after receiving two savings alerts.