So you are about to embark on a new campaign – an SMS marketing campaign. For marketers who are about to embark on this new frontier for the first time this is an exciting opportunity as the possible returns are almost limitless. Although SMS messages can do wonders for a business or product, the limitations of 160 characters is enough to scare most new marketers away. The question that many marketers have to answer is: How can one effectively create a winning sales copy or send bulk SMS marketing campaign?

Efficiency and Character Limit

First know that all is not lost in the 160 character limit. In fact one of the most widely used advertising mediums has a 140 character limit – Twitter. People are already effectively using Twitter to increase their sales and create new customers. Now if Twitter’s 140 characters can be effectively utilized then the 160 SMS character limit is nothing. Another popular form of advertising is Radio ads. It might come as a surprise to many that most Radio ads are only 30 seconds in length with an average of 70 words. If Twitter and Radio ads can use less and get more then so can SMS messaging?

Multiple Messages for Varying Sales

Given that one only has 160 characters to work with one might think that they can easily create multiple SMS messages to highlight each campaign or product; however, this is not a good idea. Sending customers multiple SMS messages through your text marketing platform will only lead to confusion. Be safe by sticking to one message per sale.

Customer Benefits vs. Product Features

Typically customers are not interested in the product description and/or features; instead they are more concerned with the benefits that they can get from purchasing the product and/or service. Great SMS copywriting means that instead of creating demand you are satisfying a need.

Call to Action

The whole point to any marketing campaign is to get the customer to perform a specific action. This could be visiting the store, visiting the online store or making a purchase. Whatever action you want taken – state it in the text.

No Abbreviations

When creating a winning SMS message do your best to avoid the use of abbreviations. Keep it professional. Of course this does not mean that you will write an SMS essay, it just means that you will be professional in all of your SMS messages.

Copywriting for SMS marketing truly isn’t hard as with some practice and the utilization of the above-mentioned tips you too will be writing SMS copies in no time. Do your homework check out text messages marketing companies reviews.