Communicating effectively with employees means sharing important information quickly and as clearly as possible. This is especially important for employees that work virtually or those that travel often. And even though email and mobile phones have made this form of communication possible, some people do not check their email regularly or can’t always answer their phones. Sending text messages helps you convey information in a clear and easy way so employees always know what’s going on.

Be Clear, Be Short

To get the most out of your text message service, send short pieces of information such as meeting dates and times, directions, reminders to check email, and other information people need to adequately complete job tasks. Use text messages only to convey the most important information.

Avoid sending multiple messages during the day if possible as you employees will start to ignore them, especially if these messages are not essential. If you have an issue to discuss with an employee, set up a phone conference time rather than sending a long email or series of text messages. Use SMS messages to get your employee’s attention rather than discuss issues in detail.

Get a Fast Response

If you need a fast response to questions you have about current or upcoming projects, send a short message. Use SMS to receive updates during meetings, conferences, or other events. You can also coordinate deadlines for reports, white papers, and other projects with deliverables.

For employees that work virtually, text messages may be the best way to reach them when you have questions or when they have questions for you.

Keep Up with Employees

Make sure employees are where they need to be – this is especially useful for delivery services, repair businesses, consulting firms, and other businesses that send out workers or sales people to complete job and close deals. Request status updates, location confirmations, and other information you need to know to ensure that employees are completing job tasks on time.

Don’t Be a Babysitter

Overusing text messages can cause employees to become disgruntled or pressured into completing tasks in less time when more time is actually needed. This can lead to mediocre work that benefits no one. Use SMS notifications sparingly, but use them when you need confirmation, answers, or when employees need your help. When used properly, text can provide an additional line of communication that can enhance your relationship with employees and give you peace of mind that employees are fulfilling all work related duties in the time allotted.